R Systems Distribution Management System for Manufacturing


Automating operations with Salesforce

Is your manufacturing business struggling to achieve real-time, full visibility into your distribution and sales channels and activities? Connecting Sales and Distribution is a significant challenge for the industry today.

That is why our experts have created the R Systems Distribution Management System for Manufacturing and Salesforce automation application based on Salesforce Cloud.

This is a one-stop solution for the integration and optimization of the entire manufacturing – distribution – sales process workflow.

  • End-to-end order management and visibility in a single platform.
  • Transparent and fast information flow – between manufacturer, distributors, channel partners and field Sales.
  • Streamlined requests management –you can easily manage partners’ marketing or credit limit requests from the same platform.
  • Efficient Returns and Claims Management – a single point of management for both manufacturer and partners.
  • Analyze KPIs and trends through comprehensive reporting dashboards integrated in the CRM.
  • Integrated Sales Management – managing distributors, retailers, sales orders, invoices and even field Sales’ activity from the same unified platform.

What are the benefits?



  • Real-time information over the entire flow
  • Visibility over secondary sales and market information
  • Predictability necessary to avoid stock-out situations for dealers
  • Increase in profitability


  • Real-time visibility into inventories, operations, and Active Schemes
  • Shorter return/replacement processes
  • Accurate tracking of credit notes or coupons
  • Increase in profitability

Sales Field Users

  • Channel Partner 360 – real-time information on relevant partner activity.
  • Streamlined order and expense management
  • Improved visits and attendance management
  • Analytics dashboards.


Why R Systems Distribution Management System for Manufacturing?

  • A fully-fledged, unified solution that offers end-to-end visibility over the entire workflow.
  • One platform, one source of truth – for the manufacturer, distributor and Field Sales.
  • Predictable and affordable costs for businesses of any size.
  • Fast implementation – up to 4 weeks • R Systems, a Salesforce Crest Partner with 16 global delivery centers and >90% client retention, has long-standing expertise with consulting, development and implementation of out-of-the-box or customized Salesforce solutions all over the world.

Want to see more?


Request a free, no strings attached demo to see first-hand how you can take your manufacturing business to the next level with the R Systems Distribution Management System for Manufacturing!